“The Results Program and The Feel Better Program freed up my spirit to live in uncompromising joy all of the time – not just sometimes, but ALL of the time!  This vibration continues to build upon itself and create such graceful and deep way to navigate life.  Since I started the program a few months ago, I have continued to follow my joy to the Big Island of Hawaii from Oahu. 

As I co-create this eco-retreat wellness center ~ I shall allow the GPS system of my heart to keep aligning with joy.  This is a priceless gift to realize and a tool we can use to intentionally live our life purpose on this planet in joy and in harmony with the natural magical cycles of life.

“Mahalo Heather for birthing this game and bringing together all of the tools that have helped you live a life of your dreams.  Mahalo for sharing it so generously to us.  Mahalo team mates and buddies in the program for playing *your heart out*!
Love you!”

~ Darshan Mendoza,  Papa’aloa (Hamakua Coast) Big Island, Hawaii 

“I was fortunate to be connected with Heather Noёl in September of 2013. Her healing abilities are incredibly effective and expansive. Her creation of The Results Program is a miraculous way to access Heather’s processes in a profoundly intimate way.

Playing the Game blessed me daily over my two month involvement. It also introduced me to phenomenal new friends from all across the globe who joined me in growing through each wonderful lesson.

Grateful is not a big enough word to describe how fabulous the experience of participating in The Results Program can be.”

~ Christi Koelker, Austin, TX  

When Heather first invited me to join The Results Program I was both intrigued and relieved because I knew if Heather was hosting I would be better for it. At a time when my world was being thrown many challenges financially, spiritually and physically, it felt as if an angel had come to lift me up into the light. Heather has been a huge influence on my life by showing me how to open up my mind and heart to believing that I had the power to not only heal myself but flourish with abundance. I am honored to have been a part of the first group and look forward to mentoring my dear friends.

Every lesson in the 60 day program was profound and instructive for my growth. I will always feel blessed that I have had the good fortune to know Heather. She is remarkable as a teacher a mentor and friend. Certain people make a mark on our lives and influence our lives in profound ways. For me the greatest mentor I could have ever hoped for reached out her hand to me and showed me the way to happiness and inner peace. Thank you Heather for creating The Results Program, I am grateful for all the blessings!

~ Lori Fitzgerald, Draper, Utah

I have been working through The Results Program alongside my wife, and I have found it invaluable. I am skeptical — and often cynical — and many of the exercises therein have dissolved my usual dubious attitude.

The days I’ve spent with the program have indeed softened much of my emotional scar tissue, and for that, I am grateful to you.

The insights that have been unlocked for me have brought healing and self-awareness and an impulse to usher in even more of the same.

Thank you again for your program, and please know that I have found it infinitely healing.

~ Norman Leonard, Professor, Laguna College of Art and Design

“After 10 years of working with Heather I have never come as far at unlocking the mysteries of myself and life as when she gave me the gift of being invited to join The Results Program.   The first time I did the 60 daily lessons I was in my early 20’s.  The new updates and tools, apropos to this new era of awakening, has taken it to new, shall I say dimensions.  

My vision boards used to be filled with objects of my desire, cars, true love, a nicer house.  That is so kinder-garden to me now.  Now it is a living altar with my deepest soul desires, reflecting my divine support group, a celebration of who I am, where I’ve been, and where I’m going.

“The Results Program brought me many lessons – one of my favorites is the step-by-step transformation of my vision board…and myself!   With a focus on interdependence, doing it with a group of divine and powerful people sharing their experiences weekly, giving me feedback, supporting me and holding me accountable, my spiritual support has been infinitely expanded and my personal growth has been immeasurable – and on going!  I love you.”

~ Angela Sarich, San Diego, CA

“Oh. Where do I start. Heather’s intuition, and gentle reminders for me to trust my own, have been life changing.  Each time I address some discomfort in my life, she has encouraged me to look within, deeper…and each time, I have been empowered to shift my thinking and allow for growth and acceptance. 

I believe that her ability to share insight and messages (that some may be reluctant to hear) is a true gift.  She makes it easy to move into a flow of abundance and love. 

The Feel Better Program, clearing meditation and (embedded) Triad Wave, along with the daily journal challenges have paved a way for me to succeed in my personal and professional life with a clear intention and the ability to manifest my dreams. 

I am living my best life and I owe Heather my deep gratitude for being a beacon of light and a leader that I always look to and can’t help but want to follow. 

She is a gift to the world and I am honored to have had exposure to her wisdom and love.”

~ Nora Gibson, Boise, ID

“Thanks to Heather Noёl I have come to understand the meaning to living life.  The Results Program has been an amazing journey that’s added so much to me. 

I have come to learn the steps in feeling more peaceful in all possible challenges of life.  As well as connected with such beautiful souls, which we continue to expand and share the many ways to living an abundant life.

“It is truly beyond words to express my love and gratitude in the many blessings I have experienced. It is a beautiful awakening filled with clarity and fantastic tools to use in all possible areas.  I wish it still continued. 

Thank you Heather for being in my life. I look forward to the many adventures to come.”

~ Gianna Fuccio, Plainview, NY

“There are people we encounter in life that influence us and change us deeply and profoundly. Heather is one of those people. If you allow yourself to play with even one of the concepts she shares in The Results Program, you will find yourself transforming. It may happen so subtlety that you may forget that you didn’t ‘always’ process your world in this way. Most of The Results Program is presented in the form of PLAY, which is such a great way to approach life. Just play with it.

It’s often been said that someone who really knows their subject, can put it into terms that anyone can understand. That concept applies beautifully to Heather. She has the innate gift and ability to take very complex subjects and put them into terms that are accessible to anyone. Then there is the even more difficult challenge which is taking what we know and actually applying it. How many of us know there are things we could or should change about our lives? How easy is it to change life-long habits?

Heather can take very complex information and create a system that allows anyone to apply it to their life and reap incredible benefits. Issues that may have plagued you for years can be transformed in moments. It’s similar to the concept used in martial arts of not resisting your opponent but instead shifting slightly. It’s incredible! It doesn’t take brute force or iron will, just a willingness to shift. The journey of a thousand miles starts with taking one step. If you take the step to play with some of The Results Program concepts you will be having so much fun on the journey, you will not even realize you have traveled light years in your thinking and your approach to life.

The Results Program comes with my highest recommendation for transformative thinking and more importantly for play. Just play with the concepts and watch your life transform, joyfully!

~ Peggy Cartwright, Charlotte, IA

When Heather invited me to join The Results Program, I was in a place where I really needed some additional insight about creating abundance in my life – not just about money, although I did feel a little defeated that when I worked with my clients clearing their money issues, I saw them experience amazing successes, and I was still left feeling insecure and worried about money. The Results Program was exactly what I needed!

I began to see more clearly what was causing a disconnect between what I wanted, and what I was receiving. The disconnect was simply a lack of true inner peace, and a lack of taking meaningful time for me each day to achieve it. Taking time to really connect with God…not just go through the motions of “doing the right thing.” The Results Program taught me tools and insights that helped me on a daily basis get more out of my prayer time, my scripture time and my quiet time.

Right before I started The Results Program I almost bought a car that I intended on paying for with my own business money. I found a car that I loved, I had the money for the down payment, but when it came down to it, I was too fearful to go for it. By the end of the 60 days I spent participating in The Results Program, I had doubled my down payment and STILL had money in my business account, found a better car with all the bells and whistles, and my fear was gone!

I felt more confident in my income coming in, I am having FUN enjoying my car, and guess what! In less than a month, almost the entire amount of money I spent on my down payment is back in my bank account! When I let go of fear, trust God, trust in the gifts He is waiting to give me, then I began to see miracles! I’m not just talking about money, either! It affects relationships, health, business success, opportunities to serve those who need you, the ability to let go of the past and feel peaceful in the present – it has the power to change your world. It has mine!

I love living in a peaceful, patient state of being – knowing it’s ALL OKAY and that it will ALL WORK OUT! Thank you Heather for the Gift of The Results Program! I am SO EXCITED to start my own Results Program group and support others on their path to INNER PEACE!!

~ Jen Poulson, Birmingham, Alabama

It was Heather’s excitement and enthusiasm around The Results Program that caused me to sign up. Knowing her level of skill and integrity, I knew it would be nothing short of magnificent. I never anticipated the benefits I would reap from my 60 day participation.   First came the commitment to myself daily and the willingness to learn and grow. Next came the interdependence of working with my buddy and the other participants. Finally, came the sharing each week.  

On the surface, it doesn’t seem like much to a veteran of healing work. However, the rewards were magnanimous! By day 30, not only was I internally changing for the positive, my friends were also noticing the difference. Heather said that new neuropathways were being developed, and they were! I now was living life with a smile on my face most of the time. I was healing from an old physical injury. I was more vested in my spiritual growth. And I began to have stronger focus and goals in all areas of my life.

By the time day 60 came, I felt like a new motivated and spiritual person. Even friends commented on the energy I was emitting. They commented on how I had said the words before, yet now I seemed to have the focus, energy and determination to make things happen.

As a healer and teacher, what I found even more amazing was that the simple daily exercises of The Results Program helped heal old wounds I thought I had healed previously. In other words, the process went to a deeper level than I had previously gone and deeper than I ever expected. From someone who has a vast knowledge of healing the physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and energetic areas of the body, that says a lot about the power to The Results Program.

In two words, The Results Program is “life transforming.”

I look forward to starting it again as a participant as well as mentoring my first group. Thank you, Heather, for following your intuition and guidance, and for creating this wonderful way to “give to the givers.” Blessings to you and all who participate.

~ Becca Tokarczyk, M. Ed., PT, IHT-PT, Sedona, Arizona